Business Coaching
What is Business Coaching?
Coaching is multipurpose service that helps individuals make positive, measurable shifts in their work life. ICF statistics show using a business coach can improve your company’s profit margins, as well as personally show an increase in income, improvement in quality of life, and of smarter goal setting.
Who Do We Serve?
Individuals looking to find their ideal career paths, and/or who are transitioning into new
work roles.
Entrepreneurs who want to take their businesses to the next level but require
mentorship/tools or a road map to achieve results.
Business leaders who want to improve their soft-skills, company culture to create greater team impact.
Teams that struggle with optimizing performance
Personal Coaching
Uncovering your triggers and personal barriers to growth.
Highlighting your strengths and working on your shadow strengths.
Working on your leadership style to make it more resilient, empathetic, and results-oriented.
Understanding what is non-negotiable to you.
Building your confidence so that you can excel in your field.
Dealing with uncertainty and anxiety at work.
Organisational Coaching
Creating and enforcing accountability in teams.
Conflict-management techniques for internal stakeholders.
Leadership tools that will help with effective decision-making.
Distilling company culture into values and behaviors.
Managing time and prioritizing daily tasks.
Learning how to foster and maintain professional relationships.
Ensure top-down focus on collective organizational goals.
Influencing people to yield positive results.
Maintaining the path to success during growth spurts.
Delegating tasks based on competence and time availability.
Working from a mindset of long-term growth vs. daily fire-fighting.
Understanding what is important and not just what needs to be addressed urgently.